May 2022 Smart Goal Project

Image by classmate 2022

Role: Songwriter/Storyteller


Specific skills learned: Composition

Measurable: I will know when the song sounds complete and has good flow.

Achievable: I believe I have the skills to do this.

Relevant: No time like the present. Also, this is the end of my senior year.

Time bound: The time needed for this is realistic


Key leaders in this field: Neil Young, Rodger McGuinn, Jimi Hendrix for both stated and described. All of these composers have the ability to take the listener elsewhere.

HOWEVER in the instance of needing to study composition, my Mom recommended that I look at Leonard Cohen, one of the best songwriters ever. Here is one of his most popular, “Hallelujah”, sang by Jeff Buckley

Leonard Cohen even talks about the lifts, and falls and chord changes in this piece

There are many people in the world that talk about melodies being “familiar”. In our culture, we use 7 modes for music. The most common is the Ionian. Any Song in any major key is in Ionian mode. Dorian is the minor mode (minor third between first and third degree). (Wikipedia, 2022)

There are many methods to composition as there are stars in the sky. Some people believe that there is something as simple as “songwriting compass”, others invest in large amounts of education given to learning music theory and how other people write songs.

Here is an example of the “compass” version and train of thought:

2:05 I like how he focuses on how he wants you to choose with your ears.

10:03 I think its interesting how he links it into Polo and how it works with listening to time length of listening to songs.

17:58 This is a pretty good example of how to put it all together.

20:34 Rythym, rhyming, emotional centering and hardwiring evolutionarily wired into you.

Smart Goal Schedule

I made the song is much as I could And I was being creative.



The ways of thinking about composition are varied and individual to the person. You have to pick which ways work for you and these can be ways that nobody else has ever heard about before. Songwriting is usually an individual exercise. Although there are commonly teams of people who write together, the most popular songs seems to be written by someone who is working alone.

The whole process of songwriting is in the made to stick SUCCESs model

S- Simple
Find the essence of the idea. The best melody lines are always simple, sometimes as little as 2 notes.
U – Unexpected
To get attention, do the unexpected. Sometimes you need that major life like Leonard Cohen used.
C – Concrete
Paint a mental picture. The best songs always come with a mental picture.
C- Credible
I wasn’t sure about this one.
E- Emotional
People care about people and the emotions surrounding others.
S – Stories

Audio Recording Sound Safari

Summary we recorded audio in different locations.

Audio Terms and Definitions

  • Sound Wave
    • A vibrational disturbance that involves the mechanical motion of molecules transmitting energy from one place to another.
  • Compression
    • Reducing a signal’s output level in relation to its input level to reduce dynamic range.
  • Frequency
    • The # of times per second that a sound source vibrates, is expressed in hertz (Hz).
  • Hertz
    • Unit of measurement of frequency; numerically equal to cycles per second (cps).
  • Infrasonic
    • The range below the frequencies is audible to human hearing.
  • Ultrasonic
    • The range above the frequencies of human hearing.
  • Pitch
    • The subjective perception of frequency – the highness or lowness of a sound.
  • Fundamental
    • The lowest frequency a sound source can produce. In other words, it is also called the first harmonic or primary frequency which is the lowest, or basic, pitch of a musical instrument.
  • Sound Frequency Spectrum
    • The range of frequencies audible to human hearing: about 20 to 20,000 Hz.
  • Octave
    • The interval between the two frequencies that have a tonal ratio of 2:1.
  • Bass
    • The low range of the audible frequency spectrum; is usually from 20 to 320 Hz.
  • Midrange
    • The part of the frequency spectrum to which humans are most sensitive; is the frequencies between roughly 320 Hz and 2,560 Hz.
  • Treble
    • The frequency range between roughly 5,120 Hz and 20,000 Hz, the highest two octaves audible to human hearing in the sound frequency spectrum.
  • Equalization
    • A signal-processing device that can boost, attenuate, or shelve frequencies in a sound source or sound system.
  • Amplitude
    • The magnitude of a sound wave or an electric signal is measured in decibels.
  • Decibel (dB)
    • A relative and dimensionless unit to measure the ratio of two quantities.
  • Wavelength
    • Distance between two peaks of a wave
  • Velocity
    • Speed in a given direction
  • Harmonic
    • Is a multiple of the fundamental frequency
  • Phase
    • Factor in the interaction of one wave with another, either acoustically or electronically

– Audio terms and definitions from Wikipedia

Voice Recording

Outdoor/Environment Recording

Instrument Recording


What I Learned & Problems I Solved

  • what mic placement is important.
  • to get the right levels.


DAW Audio Composition Project


I took a song and slowed it down, changed the key, and made it sarcastic. For this project, I chose “Warpigs”. I chose this song because it’s one of my favorite songs, its a good one and it seemed like it would lend itself to the warping of this project. Instead of the usual E, D, G, Gb, and F, I used Emin, Dmin, Gmin, Gbmin, and F min.

Audio File Formats and Definitions

AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format): stores standard CD-quality audio; similar to WAV (Higher Quality)

WAV (Waveform Audio File Format): CD audio; can be saved with different sampling and bit rates; similar to AIFF (Higher Quality)

MP3 (Audio File): Used to store audiobooks and music on a hard drive; Close to CD-quality sound; the higher quality sound comes from higher bit rates which also take up more storage space

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface): music data: notes played, when notes are played, how long each note is played, and the velocity of each note played; used to be able to exchange and use information between software and hardware programs; no actual audio data

All the audio file format information is found at:

Song Used As Template

  • I like the sirens and I might be able to make something even cooler out of it.

GarageBand Tracks


  • Write a few comments from other students or advisory members
  • Cite the person who shared the comment
  • Only use first names

What I Learned & Problems I Solved

  • I learned how to use the right amp simulator from soundtrap.
  • I learned how to slow down for the notes better!
  • For this exercise, I had no tutorials.


SMART Goal Project


Role Guitar

Intention (SMART Goal)

Bigger guitar tone & following a bear


Leader(s) in the Field / Exemplary Work(s)

* Credence Clearwater Revival

– Tony Iommi

– 80s bands: Black Sabbath, ACDC (think big juicy sounds)

Training Source(s)

  • YouTube Videos
  • Listening to the part via Spotify and comparing to online sources
  • Vimeo
  • Guitar Magazine Articles
  • Training guide to mertronomes (

SMART Goal Schedule

The Schedule for this goal will be practice every day after school. 50% of accomplishment should be achieved by week 2. Although there is some study involved, I should be able to get these two small goals accomplished by the end of the period.


SMART Goal Starting Point Evidence

The metronome is on here and you can hear how I don’t match with it. I also want a bigger sound reflective of the people/bands/eras listed above.

SMART Goal Post Production Evidence


21st Century Skills

Ways of Thinking (Creativity, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving)

I had to do a lot of problem solving with uploading the files. I had to do it a completely backwards way because OSD limits you tube usage for uploading videos, even though we pretty much need it for every blog post in this class.

Ways of Working (Communication & Collaboration)

I had to work with my Mom to get this thing to work.

Tools for Working (Info & Media Literacy)

I did not have to use info or media literacy for this part.

Ways of Living in the World (Life & Career)

I am enjoying my third world experience. This is going to be a wave of the future as far as production.

Reactions to the Final Version

I think my sound improved. Its big & fat, it’s in your hands. It is exactly where I want it to be.

Self-Evaluation of Final Version

I have been messing with this for a week or so now. I am very happy with the results.

Grammar and Spelling

Done by Melinda Bratsch-Horsager


Completed by Melinda Bratsch-Horsager

March Guitar 2022 SMART Goal Project

“Tim Beavers lead guitar & vocalist for PBR (People’s Blues of Richmond) #rva” by Sky Noir is licensed under


Role : Lead Guitar

Intention (SMART Goal)

I want to learn ”Solo of Free Bird” by March 2 by slowing it down


Leader(s) in the Field / Exemplary Work(s)

Jimmy Page

Training Source(s)

SMART Goal Schedule

Day 1: I watched the the video

Day 2: Recorded the rhythm guitar in GarageBand

Day 3 – 5: I played it and listened to it


SMART Goal Starting Point Evidence


SMART Goal Ending Point Evidence



21st Century Skills

Ways of Thinking (Creativity, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving)

When I played my heads hard little and to overcome it, I practiced more.

Ways of Working (Communication & Collaboration)

When I had problems I would ask classmates for help.

This was help helpful

Tools for Working (Info & Media Literacy)

YouTube and GarageBand.

Ways of Living in the World (Life & Career)

Make look Things Good

Self-Evaluation of Final Version

I Have a Track On GarageBand.

What I Learned and Problems I Solved

don’t be afraid to try new things

Grammar and Spelling

Google and Me


DAW Audio Composition Project


  • I was try to make a song in scary movie.

Audio File Formats and Definitions

AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format): stores standard CD-quality audio; similar to WAV (Higher Quality)

WAV (Waveform Audio File Format): CD audio; can be saved with different sampling and bit rates; similar to AIFF (Higher Quality)

MP3 (Audio File): Used to store audiobooks and music on a hard drive; Close to CD-quality sound; the higher quality sound comes from higher bit rates which also take up more storage space

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface): music data: notes played, when notes are played, how long each note is played, and the velocity of each note played; used to be able to exchange and use information between software and hardware programs; no actual audio data

Song Used As Template

  • I love sound of guitar and every other instrument.

GarageBand Tracks

  • There is couple of guitar tracks and lot of keyboard tracks.

My Composition


What I Learned & Problems I Solved

Production Project

“File:Guitar A major pentatonic scale.png” by NickPenguin at English Wikibooks is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0



Lead guitar

Intention (SMART Goal) play solo

Be come better songwriter


Leader(s) in the Field / Exemplary Work(s)

60/70s guys

Training Source(s)

Project Timeline

Two weeks sep

Proposed Budget

Record song and list


The (FILM, SOUND, or GAME Creation)


Skills Commentary

bead notes


21st Century Skills

Ways of Thinking (Creativity, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving)

I Want to Get inspired

Ways of Working (Communication & Collaboration) teach my self and other make something by inspiration talk to friend for inspire

Tools for Working (Info & Media Literacy)

Guitar amps in garage band and soundtrap

Ways of Living in the World (Life & Career)

Don’t make mistake you regret

Reactions to the Final Version

Was not but try make something

Self-Evaluation of Final Version

Drop d my guitar

What I Learned and Problems I Solved

How to play in key with the song

Grammar and Spelling

